November 6, 2008

Eagle eye last couple of weeks went to watched Eagle eye.. Sebab nak senang and malas nak beratur..i beli ticket online..sebab pk nie kang mesti xsempat dah. ++ gan hari jumaat and keadaan yang cam hujan renyai. ok formula yang sume patut tahu if nak berhijrah and beli kete kat KL :-

Hujan (even sket or renyai2) + hari jumaat = Jem sampei 3 jem kat atas jalan

ok berbalik kepada cerita nye..hero transformers berlakon..i just love to watch his art-work. sebab very selamba and relax. dia x over did or over acting. sumore i think dia memang born to do this kind of things. who am i talking about??? yeah, x lain x bukan.. Shia LaBeouf.

Cerita nie besh..action dia very good..++ bile computer tuh arrangekan dia lari dari polis. seronok sebab xde banyak CGI. so kite rasa benda tuh real..

If u guys tengok, citer nie dia punye plot x lambat..very fast so kite rasa x bosan and nak mengantuk and tdo dalam cinema. and kite xleh nak expect ape yang akan jadi next. And for the ending, i rasa cam a bit funny lah..tapi xpe2.i encourage you guys p tengok and rasakan sindri the excitement.

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